Wednesday 3 June 2020

Laws - Problem Set 3

  1. The law that created the National Irrigation Administration on June 1963:
    • RA 3038
    • RA 3512
    • RA 3601
    • RA 3844
  2. It is the type of estate which is designed to pass title from grantee to his heirs thus keeping property in grantee's line of issue.
    • Fee Simple
    • Fee Tail
    • Estate for Years
    • Tenancy at Will
  3. This is the Philippine Environmental Code:
    • PD 1151
    • PD 892
    • PD 1152
    • PD 1308
  4. Which individual is part of the Board of Directors of he NHA?
    • Secretary of Finance
    • Secretary of Agriculture
    • Secretary of Interior and Local Government
    • Secretary of Budget and Management
  5. Filipino citizens who continuously occupies and cultivate lands and paid real estate tax may be granted not more than twenty four (24) hectares of land under this mode of concession (CA 141):
    • Homestead Settlement
    • Sale
    • Lease
    • Free Patent
  6. During land registration, what happens once the Court promulgates judgement in favor of registering the land under the applicant's name?
    • Copy the decree of registration is sent to the Registry of Deeds
    • The Land Registration Commission is instructed to issue the decree
    • Adverse claimant files an answer to the application
    • Issuance of owner's duplicate certificate of title
  7. It refers to the delay of obligee or creditor to accept the delivery of the thing.
    • Compensatio Morae
    • Mora Solvendi
    • Mora Accipeindi
    • Dolo Incidente
  8. What is the rationale for the payment of temperate damages?
    • For moral and physical anguish
    • When the exact amount of damages cannot be determined
    • In order to set an example
    • In order to vindicate a right when no other kind of damage may be recovered
  9. Lands recorded under the Spanish Mortgage Law which are not yet covered by Torrens Title are considered as __________.
    • idle lands
    • abandoned lands
    • untitled lands
    • unregistered lands
  10. It is defined as the activities concerned with the management and development of land, as well as the preservation, conservation, and rehabilitation of the human environment.
    • Land Use
    • Environmental Planning
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • Rehabilitation Projects

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